Inner-Light LED Therapy Bed in Lubbock TX

Experience Inner Light Bed Therapy at our clinic in Lubbock TX.
- Based on the Photo (light)-reactivity of the body's cells. For example, the body uses sunlight to manufacture vitamin D inside our skin cells
- 13,000 high intensity red, blue and infrared LED's positioned close to the skin for maximum effect.
- There is no tanning effect to the skin.
Inner-Light Bed Therapy Benefits in Lubbock TX
- Red LED therapy stimulates the production of ATP, an important source of energy in body tissues.
- Upon contact, the activated ATP stimulates white blood cells that work to repair damaged tissues and increase collagen production. This builds elasticity in the skin and can aid in wound healing. Red LED therapy also allows ATP to promote rapid action by utilizing the body's own defenses. ATP activates endorphins that provide soothing relief from chronic and acute pain.
- Infrared light triggers the production of endorphins, which are neurotransmitters that can reduce pain in the body
Conditions that Benefit from Inner-Light Therapy
- High Blood Pressure
- Tissue and Nerve Damage
- Chronic and Acute Pain
- Decrease Injury Healing Time
- Muscle Pain
- Joint Pain
- Arthritis
- Acne
- Rosacea
- Psoriasis
- Wrinkles
- Effectively Destroys Bacteria
A French physician, Dr. Paul Nogier, working with his patients, identified seven frequencies natural to our body cells. They became known as the Nogier Frequencies.
The Inner-Light Bed is the first and only LED therapy bed to incorporate these frequencies into its programs.
The Inner-Light Bed has 9 different programs. The seven Nogier Frequencies, plus a program that rotates through all 7 Nogier programs at 4 minutes on each frequency and a non-pulsing Constant On program.
Nogier Frequencies Benefits
292 Hz - "Cellular Vitality" - Resonates with Ectoderm (outermost tissue) that forms:
Skin, Glands, Nerves, Eyes, Ears, Teeth, Brain and Spinal cord, Assists in Wound Healing, Repair of the Skin, Nerve Repair, Reduces Scar Tissue, & Reduces Inflammation.
584 Hz - "Nutritional Metabolism" - Resonates with Endoderm (innermost tissue) that forms: Lungs, Bladder, Urethra, Lining of the intestinal tract, Liver, Thyroid Gland, Thymus Gland, Auditory Tube, Gall Bladder, Pancreas, Improves nutritional absorption, Balances the Autonomic Nervous System and can Alleviate Allergy Problems.
1,168 Hz - "Movement" - Resonates with Mesoderm (middle tissue) that forms Connective tissue: Ligaments, Tendons cartilage, Muscle and Bone, Heart, Testes, Cortex of the Adrenal Gland, Blood, Kidneys, Lymph vessels, Spleen, Reduces Pain in Muscles, Skeletal or Myofascial Areas and the Ovaries.
2,336 Hz - "Coordination" - Coordinates the two sides of the brain and reduces stress
4,672 Hz - "Nerves" - Resonates with the spinal cord and the peripheral nervous system: The spinal cord carries the messages of the central nervous system from the brain to all other parts of the body. The peripheral nervous system extends from the central nervous system. These nerves extend to the outermost areas of the body - to the organs, limbs and skin. Veterinary experience:
Reduces excess calcification such as bone spurs and arthritic joints
73 Hz - "Emotional Reactions" - Balance Hormones, Muscles Spasms, Facial Pain, Headaches, Depression, Healing of non-healing bone fractures, Balance thalamus and hypothalamus - two major body control centers Resonates with the subcortical or lower regions of the brain: Speech, Hormones balance, Unconscious reactions/reflexes, Memory Veterinary experience: Improves circulation
146 Hz - 'Intellectual Organization" - Memory, Psychological Disorders, Nervousness and Worry Resonates with the cerebral cortex of the brain: Thinking, Imagining, Creating Veterinary experience: Reduces inflammation and scar tissue on tendons and ligaments.
9:00am - 6:00pm
9:00am - 6:00pm
7:30am - 6:00pm
8:30am - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday

Foundation Health & Wellness
6701 Aberdeen Ave Suite 11
Lubbock, TX 79424